I love the Dr Seuss quote 'there is no one who is you-er than you'... how true! When we're younger we don't always want to stand out, we want to be accepted by our peers and fit in. We discover all those things we dislike about ourselves and the internal dialogue keeps us safe and controlled. Why do we do that? Age is magic and I love how this definitely changes as I get older, expand within myself and open my eyes to the important stuff. The biggest epiphany with age is a real freedom of not giving a f*$k. Not caring what anyone thinks of me and their agenda but putting myself at the top of the totem pole.
I've talked about this before with my superpower of being invisible that I discovered as I've gotten older. I love all these cool things that I finally see and don't understand why before I often got my knickers in quite a knot. Dale Carnegie helps me with this is 'How to Stop Worrying and Start Living' and I make a point of listening to it at least 1-2 times per year as a reset.
This year was a milestone birthday for me. The big 5-0! We were in lockdown and couldn't travel to that dreamy exotic location so we had to move to plan b. I thought about what I wanted to do, who I wanted to share it with and what options I had. I decided to curate my own event and threw a yoga party. I'm a big fan of yoga as you may know and I'm always encouraging my friends to give it a try. I knew there would be some pro yogis and total beginners so I asked my amazing friend and yogi, Julio, to teach a class and be the master of ceremonies!
It was a magical morning full of sunshine and I knew 8am was probably as early as I could go (sunrise was tempting!). Friends had to bring a mat and water bottle and themselves. We took over a patch of grass and music flowed along with the wind, birds and crashing waves of the sea behind us. We were instructed to close our eyes and just be there. There was no where else we needed to be (my favourite part that really helps me surrender). We all stretched and twisted and shared this magical space. It was amazing. It was how I had envisioned it so many times.
To finish up Julio had us play some fun games (why should only kids get to do this!) and my friends lined up so I could receive their love and energy. I got an impulse and cartwheeled through them and then told them all how much they meant to me. We had fruit, homemade muffins and of course birthday cake. I love how this idea of what I wanted came to full reality and was even better than my imagination. Having friends and family from overseas was the only improvement I could have made and unfortunately we didn't take to Zoom!
Friends after said they had come to support me and wish me all the best, but were leaving with so much more having taken time for themselves to connect inside. Stopping. I love this and it made my celebration even more magical.
So in a nutshell, f&*k everyone else. Put yourself first and ask what do you want? Do you want to have a roller derby party? Or go horse back riding on the beach? Do you want to celebrate with 1 other or 100? Listen to your intuition, act on it and you will find an amazing freedom. We are all different and it's time we celebrated this in a big way. Namaste.